The TOLI Center
ILIT Delegated Services Many skilled and unskilled trustees of Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts (ILIT) lack life insurance expertise, dispute defensible policy evaluation expertise and ILIT administration capabilities; hence, these services are often delegated to qualified vendors. Delegation maximizes the probability of a favorable outcome to the trust estate provided the fiduciary exercises prudence in selecting vendors and establishing the terms of delegation. Four external expertise roles should be evaluated by ILIT trustees administering ILITs and inforce Trust-Owned Life Insurance (TOLI) policies: 1. TOLI Policy Evaluation:  A fee-based vendor that offers fact-based dispute defensible TOLI policy performance monitoring reports. 2. TOLI Consulting:  A fee-based life insurance consultant that offers TOLI-specific fiduciary process, carrier suitability and product knowledge experience so that the trustee can document a prudent risk management and reasoned decision-making process. 3. ILIT/TOLI Administration Support:  A fee-based administration vendor that offers limited scope ILIT and TOLI administration support services such as TOLI database reports that include upcoming scheduled grantor gifts and TOLI premium payments. Ideally, administration support and TOLI policy evaluation services can be provided by the same independent vendor. 4. Life Insurance Sales:  A commissioned-based life insurance sales agent/broker that represents major life insurance carriers offering competitive individual products. The first three vendors contractually work for the trustee. An agent/broker contractually works for the underwriting carrier but should take direction from the trustee and consultant.