2024 TOLI Policy Performance Reports A product suitability determination is implicit with each premium payment to a Trust-Owned Life Insurance (TOLI) policy.  If trust objectives and trustee risk management criteria are unchanged, an annual policy performance review should be prepared by the trustee and provided to trust parties.  However, if these factors have changed, a Policy Management Alternatives Report should be considered so that trust parties understand policy management and corrective action options. We offer the following product suitability, policy management, and portfolio reporting services. Policy Acceptance and Evaluation Services Policy Acceptance Report Used by trustees to review a proposed new policy prior to acceptance and to review an existing policy prior to successor trustee acceptance. Includes an overview, policy projection and one benchmark comparative illustration to a similar policy available from a major (top 100) carrier. Policy Management Alternatives Report Includes an overview of standard policy management alternatives for under-performing policies or policies that the trustee determines are no longer appropriate or meet trust objectives, current policy values, carrier prepared in-force illustration and reprojection(s). Annual Policy Management Services Annual Performance Review - Base Report Annual policy value reporting, inforce illustration, alternate illustration if the in-force illustration does not sustain the policy to contract maturity, carrier ratings from 5 ratings agencies, and assumed mortality projected policy values. Annual Performance Review – Benchmark Report Annual policy value reporting, inforce illustration, alternate illustration if the in-force illustration does not sustain the policy to contract maturity, carrier ratings from 5 ratings agencies, assumed mortality projected policy values, and a benchmark comparative illustration to a universal life policy from an alternative carrier.  Benchmark illustrations are prepared in accordance with each trustee’s approved illustration criteria and applied to all performance review reports prepared for the trustee. Annual Policy Values Report Annual Policy values and carrier ratings from 5 ratings agencies.  This report does not include an inforce illustration and is used by directed trustees, professional or personal trustees where inforce illustrations are not requested annually.  An Annual Performance Review (Base, or Benchmark) is suggested every third year. Annual Annuity Report Annual Policy value reporting, IRR reporting if transaction history is available, sub account report for variable products.  Review format can be tailored to each client’s annuity reporting criteria. Annual Policy Performance Communication Reports Trust Account Report:  Supplemental condensed reports that can accompany our delivery of any Annual Performance Review.  These reports are intended for annual performance communication to grantors, beneficiaries and professional advisors.  Trustees can select from several base formats or we will design a custom format. Carrier Ratings Review Services Carrier Ratings Review Report Periodic quarterly, semi-annual, or annual summary of “secure” and “vulnerable” life insurance carriers and statistical TOLI liability analysis based on each client’s TOLI portfolio data. Carrier Fianacial Information Report Supplemental carrier financial information and key operating ratios. TOLI Portfolio Reporting Services Monthly Portfolio Reporting Monthly portfolio reports are delivered to all clients and include a listing of “performing” and “underperforming” TOLI policies, grantor gift and premium due date listings, a listing of upcoming scheduled performance reviews, a listing of performance reviews completed in the current month, and a status report of all performance reviews in the production process. Custom risk management and remediation reports can be designed for each client.
The TOLI Center